Great Tips For The Corporate Gifting Practice


During holiday seasons, many businesses consider giving gifts to their clients, employees, colleagues and referral sources among others. However, this is not simple as you may think. It is important that you think carefully before running to any mall to pick up a few items. You should note that some gift givers spend plenty of their time trying to find just the right gift. Here are tips to help you give something that will be appreciated as you drive a feeling of closeness to gift takers:

Check with the human resource before sending that gift

There is little risk in sending a Christmas card to someone but many companies have policies in place regarding employees’ receipt of gifts. Some even have restrictions to avoid the appearance of special favor or graft.

Be careful when giving gifts inside your company

It may seem a natural thing giving gifts to staff and colleagues, but sometimes, this can present noteworthy pitfalls. You don’t wan to endanger resentment by offering gifts to co-workers or even subordinates, while neglecting others. The best solution is to give everyone an identical item such as desk and wall plaques.

Give fewer, nicer gifts

It makes sense to be considerate about your business relationships so that you identify high priority recipients such as important clients. Give fewer and nicer items such as globe and sphere to fewer and more carefully considered recipients.

Save the branded items for roadshows

Of course there is always a place for promotional items such as coffee mugs and T-shirts, but not as a holiday gift. The main aim is to touch recipients emotionally as you demonstrate thought and caring. So, do not make them feel like you are in a marketing campaign. However, there are exceptions, especially if the item is special or simply useful like a desk office.

Avoid items like wine, cigars or spirits if you don’t know the recipient well

In fact, you ought to know someone well to give such items. You don’t want the gift items to be considered inappropriate by the recipient’s colleagues. If you know them well, you can go for items such as glass drink-ware and ornaments.

Avoid being personal or especially suggestive when giving out gifts.

Recall this is a business relationship, so it should reflect a sense of professionalism. Items such as lingerie and perfumes may not be appropriate in a business context. They could send wrong message to the recipients and their colleagues.

Go for something unique and personalized

It requires you to do a bit of research before giving gifts, keeping in mind that the best gifts are those the recipients want to receive. A good giver is one who gives what the recipients want.

These are just a few tips to help you set the ball rolling and ensure that actually, your gifts will be appreciated not only by the recipients, but also their colleagues. At Crystalplus, we can advise you on what gift will suit your recipients. We stock a wide range of corporate gifts and we can also personalize gift items according to your needs. Contact us anytime of the day, we will be happy to work with you.

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